Are we being feelings-driven or purpose-driven?
Hello there and welcome back to some thought-provoking conversation.
I was thinking the other day about how off-track I have gotten with my exercise routine. In the past, I actively rode my mountain bike, used my TRX and walked frequently – today… not as much. Our positive habits can easily get sidetracked when we are especially busy, stressed or otherwise occupied. I believe the answer is in how we make choices – are we being feelings-driven or purpose-driven?
How do we go from doing so well at something, to completely sucking at it? As I consider this, I believe the answer lies in how we make the choice around that “thing” we are talking about.
When I come home after a busy or stressful day, I hear myself say, “I should go for a walk, but I really don’t feel like it.” And herein lies the challenge. I sit on the couch, put my feet up, and gone is the motivation to get up and out.
In Japanese Psychology, Morita Therapy is focused on “Action” and “Attention”. The action part of it all comes in when we don’t feel like doing something, but when the right or purposeful thing is to do is that something.
Last month we talked about procrastination, and this “feelings-driven” decision-making is closely linked. When we make decisions based on how we feel, we notice that it often doesn’t make us feel better but instead worse. When I don’t go for that walk, I later regret it, often feeling guilty and disappointed for the missed opportunity because it’s too late to fix.
Living a purpose-driven life changes all of this, even in those little decisions we make like going for a short walk or not. Gregg Krech at the ToDo Institute in Vermont teaches the rewards of doing what needs to be done, in spite of how we feel about it. He loves to say, “Just make an agreement to go for 5 minutes and see what happens.” It’s great advice; it isn’t the doing that stops us, instead, it is often the thought of getting started that feels like a lot of effort. Once we get going, it feels good, and we’re glad we went.
So, I challenge you to make at least one choice today that is driven by purpose. Do it because it is good for you or the right thing to do or in some way, shape or form has a benefit that will be lost if you don’t do it. Take note of how you feel when it is done, I bet you’ll feel great!
Peace and Strength,
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"Getting to know these Strengths Finder talents is the easy part, how to implement them in my day-to-day life is a different story. That’s where I benefited greatly with mentorship support from Cathy on building these insights onto my own career objectives. ”
- J.R.
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