Coaching and being coached have changed my life for the better!
This is the reason I am such a passionate coach and trainer whose lifetime has been spent helping others. I have proven, long lasting strategies that, when incorporated into your daily life, will offer you personal peace and fulfillment.
With years of coaching and training experience in a variety companies and individuals, I am here to help you take your life to the next level.
It’s difficult to share how important coaching and support is to me and what I do. I haven’t always had my head on my shoulders properly, but over the years, the love and support I received from coaches, friends leaders and my pursuit of education, was life changing.
Anxiety, self doubt, fear and many other negative emotions plagued me on a daily basis… sometimes even hourly. Not today though, I am so grateful that I am now at peace.
I made it my life’s mission to learn how to coach and support my clients. I studied ways to help others (and myself) and to create a practice that provides a community for those who need/want it. I love what I do and the transition that happens as I share the tools and techniques that I have become known for. Please don’t suffer another moment, whether it’s in a workplace you dislike, job you want more from, a relationship that’s struggling or a life that is challenged from emotional turmoil, I can help! Trust me when I say, it does not have to be that way.
With over twenty years of experience in coaching and training, I am well qualified to take you to the next level. Here are some of my certifications and experiences:
Japanese Psychology Certification- The ToDo Institute
Strengths Performance Coach - Gallup University
Builder Profile 10 Trained Coach and Facilitator
Master Facilitator - Achievers World Wide
Train the Trainer - Fairmont Hotels & Resorts
Facilitation Management – Developmental Dimensions Intl.
The Practical Application of Emotional Intelligence
Conflict Management for Call Centre Environments - UPEI
Managing and Coaching the Situational Seller - Achievers World Wide
Fundamentals Leadership Program - Fairmont Hotels & Resorts

Your StrengthsFinder report and your top 5 talents are almost as unique as your finger print – only 1 in 33 million will ever have the same five strengths in the same order. And the chances of someone having the same 5 but in a different order is 1 in 275,000. This means that the information you receive truly is unique to you!
The StrengthsFinder assessment measures the presence of talent in each individual and provides the top 5 innate talent themes out of 34. Those top 5 themes can explain up to 70% of everything you say, think, feel and do.
That is why I use Strengthsfinder. It’s the ideal base for us to find out who you are and how to move forward in your coaching journey to wholeness.
My Strengths
An integral part of my coaching is founded in StrengthsFinder,
so what better way to share a bit about myself than sharing my strengths with you...
Organization and flexibility work together naturally, combining information and resources for maximum productivity.
Focuses on strengths as a way to stimulate personal and group excellence taking something strong into something superb.
Generally finding it easy to put thoughts into words, they are good conversationalists and presenters.
The Learner theme has a great desire to learn and wants to continuously improve. In particular, the process of learning, rather than the outcome, excites them.
Those with the Individualization theme are intrigued with the unique qualities of each person. They have a gift for figuring out how people who are different can work together productive.