Transform your Mindset
Transform your Business!
Want to grow your business?
Empower Your Team to Lead with Confidence, Drive Sales, and Prospect Successfully by Banishing Limiting Beliefs.
Emotional Fitness can make this possible!
The challenge in business is not learning new material to lead, sell or prospect better; it’s managing the thoughts feelings and emotions that hold you back from doing the necessary thing. Rejection, fear, worry are real in the minds of your leaders and sellers.
Did you know that 2/3’s of sales people never ask for the sale?
Why is that you ask?
If I have learned anything over the last 25 years, it’s that we have zero control over the actions, thoughts and words of others… but oh boy that doesn’t stop us from trying. It’s human nature to want to control your environment but the most important thing is that you put your energy into what is controllable, and that isn’t other people. It is very difficult to do by yourself, this is where coaching can help… even coaches have a coach.
So, whether you are struggling at work or home with coworkers or loved ones, these strategies will change how you move in the world, creating more peace in every day.
Emotional Fitness
Emotional Fitness is about taking back control from your negative thoughts, so you can achieve things you never thought possible.. . It’s your Right!
Click the bar on the top of the page to learn about upcoming programs.

Let’s work together to get you the best results possible
Hey there, I’m Cathy!
My Journey
Over the last 25 years, I have had the honour to work with some pretty incredible people, in some pretty amazing places. I have supported small business, large business and non profits in many different capacities, but the most mind blowing adventure was when I worked internationally over a period of 8 years. Facilitating Sales and Prospecting training in 4 continents with a variety of luxury hotel brands was incredible. Places like Egypt, Switzerland, and Singapore were places I never imagined I would have the opportunity to visit, never mind work in.
This is where developing my emotional fitness and resilience was critically important. Coming from a small town and travelling all of the world alone, didn’t come without some fear, worry and limiting beliefs. If I hadn’t conquered that, I would have missed out on these incredible experiences.
I want you to experience that same growth and freedom to go for what you want in your business…
Why did Emotional Fitness become such a focus in my work?
Driven by my own challenges around fears, worries, and limiting beliefs; I set out on a mission to master mental wellness. Starting with a BA in Psychology, I delved deeper into Positive Psychology, Japanese Psychology, Strengths Psychology, and more.
This journey led me to develop a unique, blended strategy designed to boost your growth, mindset and resilience in unimaginable ways. Don't wait—let's start the conversation today and change your business!
Great companies I’ve worked with

Japanese Psychology…
Is one of the key components I used in creating a natural mental wellness program that delivers effective long lasting results in your resilience journey. This type of support comes from the eastern philosophies of Japan and can help restore balance, peace and strength in your everyday experiences; as well, it works to help you find ways to apply productive action to handle challenges and setbacks.
You can find out more under the Blog section of the website.

Let’s go on this journey together
To help you find the best version of yourself.
Cathy Coleman is a passionate and genuine leader who I had the pleasure of working with on various projects during the last few years. Her professionalism, positive outlook and ability to inspire others is the foundation of her success.
I have seen firsthand the transformative impact she has on her clients in the areas of mental health, overcoming barriers to employment, and tapping into your true potential. Cathy is results-driven and this is reflected in the initiatives that she takes on.
Natalie MH