Do you sometimes feel upside down?


Hello, I’m Cathy and I’ve been upside down a lot over my 57 years! Today though, I’m a natural mental wellness specialist. I know you haven’t heard from me in some time, I’ve been busy following my passion and preparing for this very moment to bring you wonderful tools and tips to strengthen your natural inner state.

Let’s do something quick right off the bat: take a quick inventory of how you feel right now. Are your shoulders up around your ears? Is your back tight and sore? Are you feeling anxious in any way? How’s your body feeling right now?

Almost every challenge with your body has its beginning in your mind. If it feels good, your body will too. But if you are stressed, worried, have anxiety, or any number of other things, all of this will get expressed in your body.

Take a moment right now. Take a deep breath – in through your nose, fill up your lungs, your ribs and your stomach to the count of 4 – hold it right there – now let it out, nice and slow through your mouth. Can you do this 4 or 5 times?

Now take another inventory of your body. How do you feel now? Is there a difference?

This quick action can be done anywhere, anytime, and is one small tip to immediately change your state of mind and help your body relax into a more neutral state.

We have struggled, been isolated in a storm, and have muddled through the difficulties of the recent past. If you worry excessively, find yourself quick to temper, are low in patience, take things personally, make assumptions that later bite you in the butt, and say and do things you regret, you are probably feeling the mental effects of this last year.


Each month I will bring you Natural Mental Wellness tips from Japanese Psychology, Positive Psychology, and my own growth experiences to help you navigate this transition from a place of confusion and difficulty to emotional freedom and empowerment. I hope you will come along with me. It’s free, it will be fun and, most importantly, it will be freeing!


Procrastination - Why do today, what can wait till tomorrow?


Shame on Her!